Sometimes the inevitable happens. If your deal is falling apart due to a ‘low appraisal’ or a ‘Tidewater’ situation, let us help.
We’ve got your back, let us help by turning a potential crisis into a positive outcome.
We have successfully helped to salvage hundreds of transactions over the years. Don’t let a poorly supported appraisal kill your deal.
Like us, you are an expert in the market. You know when you have been dealt a ‘bad appraisal’. That’s not to say that all appraisals less than the contract price are all ‘bad’. Sometimes, they are well supported. Let us do a review.
If the appraisal report does indeed have significant problems, we can point those out so you can request a second opinion from the lender. If the report is well supported, we can identify that as well so the seller will have a better understanding of the real value.
Whatever the issue, if the contract and lender’s appraisal have a conflict, we can help. Keep in mind, when we do a Prelisting Appraisal, this service is free of charge. Another good reason to consider a pre-listing appraisal on your next listing.
I built a new construction home with a large basement. The appraiser assigned by the VA was not familiar with how to value basements. I hired The Appraisal Center to assist in providing data so I could submit a reconsideration of value. The information that The Appraisal Center provided was very thorough and detailed. The VA analyzed the information provided by The Appraisal Center and granted an approval of my reconsideration of value. Many thanks to The Appraisal Center and their attention to detail and helping me to navigate the appeals process successfully.